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2023/10/18(wed) @TABASA_assagaya start 20:00 - charge 1000yen plus 1D Jonathan Carstensen and Peter Bruhn (FIRST FLUSH) LA sun (La imaginations) DJ pometomi Nitchiku-kun



2023年10月18日 20:00 – 23:00 JST

杉並区, 日本、〒166-0001 東京都杉並区阿佐谷北2丁目13−18 マスキビル 202

About The Event



start 20:00 - 

charge 1000yen plus 1D

Jonathan Carstensen and Peter Bruhn (FIRST FLUSH)

LA sun (La imaginations)




Jonathan Carstensen and Peter Bruhn 

Standing on a musical platform of genre clashes, the critically acclaimed Danish quartet First Flush strike a paradoxical and unpredictable balance of acoustic folk, pop, breathless post-punk, auto-tuned vocals and a soul-stirring, poetic lyrical universe. They have proven to be  a modern rock group with untraditional song structures, an avant-garde longing for the unknown and a willingness to take risks. At Tabasa they will play as a duo consisting of singer Jonathan Carstensen and Peter Bruhn.

20:00 pometomi

21:00 LA sun (La imaginations)

21:40 Nitchiku-kun

22:40 Jonathan Carstensen and Peter Bruhn (FIRST FLUSH)


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Produced by CAM

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